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Upskilling of the informal sector workforce supported by Castrol India

By   /  August 2, 2018  /  Comments Off on Upskilling of the informal sector workforce supported by Castrol India

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New Delhi: An awareness gap on road safety is one of the major contributing factors to road accidents in India. To address this gap, project Saarthi Mitra was launched on January 26th, 2017 by Castrol India.  IL&FS Skills, the implementing partner of the project, has structured a comprehensive four hour training programme, which has been delivered on site for training ~18,000 plus truck drivers across four states -. West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. The programme aims to educate and generate awareness among truck drivers on driving standards, fatigue management, basic health & hygiene awareness, financial savings, cashless mode of financial transactions, among other topics. Says Colonel Chand Bhan Rathore, IL&FS Skills, Ajmer: “Truck drivers are our ‘Saarthis’, our ‘friends’, who transport goods, and most importantly people. Hence, their wellbeing and training is paramount. Since truck drivers are highly mobile, the course designed had to be short-term, and in context to what makes it easy for them to understand.” Shriniwas Bishnoi, a beneficiary, talks about how the course has impacted him by delivering information on traffic rules and methods of saving fuel. Subhash Bamu, yet another truck driver, who has undertaken the course, feels that the first-aid training imparted is useful, especially since the profession is one on the go.

Project Eklavya is yet another project initiative by Castrol India, implemented by IL&FS Skills, which aims to enhance the capacity building of road side 2/3 wheeler auto mechanics. This project, which was implemented in 2015, has seen the successful training and certification of 13,000 plus 2/3 wheeler auto mechanics across eight States – Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Gujarat, Odisha, Punjab, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Assam and Himachal Pradesh. The project includes pre-assessment of road side 2/3 wheeler auto mechanics engaged in the unorganized sector, followed by a successful skill gap training as per the Qualification Pack – ASC/Q-1411 issued by the Automotive Skills Development Council of NSDC, and subsequent formal certification of auto mechanics. IL&FS Skills has structured a robust 60 hour up skilling program, which is being delivered through simulated mobile centers set up on site to ease accessibility. Personal attributes like communication and interpersonal skills were also addressed as part of the training. Sanjay Mallapa Hansin, a beneficiary recalls how better communication skills with customers, learnt during the programme, have helped him improve his business. Rajinder Ghule, President, Mechanic Association, Pune adds: “Besides domain skills, soft skills are also an important part of the integrated syllabus that forms a part of the training. This helps in ensuring a holistic impact.”

Caption: our Sector Skill Council (SSC) certified trainers have relevant industry experience and have undergone extensive training on pedagogy and domain specific modules.

Caption: we replicate the workplace in our training environment in order to create a real life working experience through simulated classrooms, labs and workshops. The classes are modeled on simulated workplaces such as sewing factories, welding workshops, model restaurants, full service kitchens, hospital wards, retail stores etc. This helps learners familiarize themselves with their future work place.

Caption: our content, designed in consultation with industry partners, is mapped to National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) to make trainees industry ready.

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