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Bangalore tops among metro cities for providing better workplace, finds Michael Page poll

By   /  August 4, 2016  /  Comments Off on Bangalore tops among metro cities for providing better workplace, finds Michael Page poll

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Mumbai:  Employees in India are most satisfied with their workplace in the Asia Pacific region. A study by Michael Page, the global specialist recruitment firm, found that 62% of respondents in India were satisfied to very satisfied as compared to 54% of their Asia Pacific counterparts. The quarterly study covered the responses of about 500 employees in India and around 4,000 employees across Asia pacific.

In a city wise comparison, the Index placed Bangalore at the top in the working conditions while New Delhi was placed at second. Chennai and Mumbai were at third and fourth places, respectively. However, the study mentioned that the working conditions of employees in Mumbai, and Bangalore slipped in a quarter-on-quarter comparison (Mumbai from 62% in Q1 2016 to 52% in Q2 2016, and Bangalore from 75% to 68%).

Employees in India expressed improvements in many employee engagement incentives and options for career advancements provided by employers. They were more optimistic with regards to better skill development (from 73% in Q1 2016 to 81% in Q2 2016), better scope of functions (from 68% in Q1 to 73% in Q2) and increase in compensation level (from 54% in Q1 to 71%) in about the next 12 months.

Although Indians continued to remain satisfied about their workplace and to develop new skills as compared to their Asia Pacific compeers, yet, there was a decline in the working conditions in the Indian metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Bangalore.

Nicolas Dumoulin, Managing Director, Michael Page India, said, “The current economic outlook in India is positive and professionals are encouraged by the commitment to India from both the global and local firms. In addition, the government’s ‘Make in India’ initiatives have created more opportunities for India’s export market which has led to increased investment in the manufacturing sector. In particular, firms specialising in the production of chemicals, plastics as well as pharmaceuticals have established operations.”

Employees in India are the most optimistic about their national economic growth potential as 54% employees in India rated the current national economy compared to 33% in Asia Pacific.

The study further revealed that Indian employees consider overseas as an attractive option which rose from 64% in Q1 2016 to 68% to Q2 2016.


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