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Special Report: Top Ten performing states in higher education

By   /  December 22, 2016  /  Comments Off on Special Report: Top Ten performing states in higher education

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By Rudra Narayan Sahoo, New Delhi: India’s performance is higher education is much below compared to developed nations. The Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education stands at 24% in 2015 while GER in higher education of the USA and the UK are 89% and 78%, respectively.  The global average of GER in higher education is 30%.  The Government of India (GoI) has set a target of increasing the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education from about 24% in 2015 to 30% by 2020.

There are some states whose performance is much above the national average in higher education. Among Union Territories, Chandigarh has the highest GER in higher education with 56.1%, which has also beat all states. Puducchery is another star performer with 44.2% among Union Territories. Among states, and Tamil Nadu with 45.2% and Delhi with 43.3% lead while Telengana stands at third position with 36.1% GER in higher education, as per the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2014-15. The calculation of GER is based on the 18-23 years age group. It is total enrolment as a percentage of the eligible population.

Southern states have continued their outperformance in gross enrolment in higher education. Tamil Nadu (45.2%), Telengana (36.1%), Andhra Pradesh (31.2%), Kerala (28.7%), and Karnataka (26.4%) have posted above national average GER of 24.3% in higher education.

 Among north eastern states, Manipur and Sikkim both have outstanding record with 35.9% and 30.3%, respectively.  However, eastern part states such as Bihar (13.9), West Bengal (17.4%), Jharkhanda (15.4%), Odisha (17.7%), and Chhatisgarh (14.6%) have dismissal performance in enrolment in higher education.

Gender inequality exists in higher education student community as at national levels GER for male stands at 25.3% while for female it is 23.2%.

Top States and Union Territories with GER in higher education 

Chandigarh (56.1%)

Tamil Nadu (45.2%)

Puducchery (44.2%)

Delhi (43.3%)

Telengana (36.1%)

Manipur (35.9%)

Uttrakhand (33.9%)

Andhra Pradesh (31.2%)

Himachal Pradesh (31.2)

Sikkim (30.3%)

Kerala (28.7%)

Arunachal Pradesh (28.3%)

Maharashtra (27.9%)

Goa (27.7%)

Punjab (27.1%)

Karnataka (26.4%)

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