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Decoding Public Speaking Series, presented by Surya Mohapatra (Lesson 3)

By   /  September 21, 2018  /  Comments Off on Decoding Public Speaking Series, presented by Surya Mohapatra (Lesson 3)

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Bangalore: SkillOutlook launches the 3rd video lesson as part of its weekly series on PUBLIC SPEAKING. This video lesson by Surya Prakash Mohapatra is about how to structure your speech. This  lesson will introduce to you the three key components of an ideal speech and the relevance of each component.

We are sure you would find this video useful. Please watch the video and share your feedback with us.

SkillOutlook acknowledges Public Speaking as a critical skill for professional as well personal success. Public Speaking is a powerful tool for advancement in career. Most successful leaders are great public speakers too.

We approached well known Industry thought leader and noted speaker, Surya Prakash Mohapatra and requested him to create a series of video based lessons  on PUBLIC SPEAKING and provide our readers valuable tips and techniques on how to become a world class public speaker.

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